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For interested parties and patients

ReguCell Products

Retirement homes, personal trainers, nursing services and preventologists who maintain and optimize health, please click on one of the four following tiles:

Only for members of the healthcare profession

The following content on this website is aimed exclusively at people who operate the medical devices in the exercise of their commercial, independent professional or freelance activities within the meaning of Section 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB). (Doctors, physiotherapists, alternative practitioners) The information is intended exclusively for this group of people and is not aimed at consumers within the meaning of Section 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB). Consumers or patients should contact their doctor or therapist. The ReguCell devices are medical devices within the meaning of the MDD 93/42/EEC directive. In accordance with Annex II of the directive, the conformity assessment procedure for CE marking was carried out and the devices were approved in the European Union.

ReguCell Products

Important NOTE: The modes of action and medical applications described below for the devices from “ReguCell Products” come from complementary medicine and are intended as an alternative and supplement to scientifically based treatment methods in conventional medicine. The statements are currently only based on studies of small cohort groups, pilot studies, application observations and/or experience reports. In particular, there are no studies of evidence level Ib (methodologically high-quality randomized placebo-controlled studies with a sufficient number of test subjects) or even level Ia (meta-analysis based on several methodologically high-quality level Ib studies), so that the therapy, methodology and the options for action described have not yet been sufficiently proven by conventional medical science and are therefore considered controversial.